Thursday, March 22, 2007

Day by Day...

Dennis on the blog again, letting Asher attend to other matters.
Asher's day usually begins with some early phone calls from someone who wants to drop off a load of sand or rock, finish a deal to transport materials or a discussion with the contractor about what needs to happen next on the site. On the site first thing this morning the transport from Freetown delivered 400 bags of cement and iron rod for the columns. The crews start right in with bending steel and creating the framework that the columns will be poured into. Once dry the bricklaying will begin. The photo is one of Mozel the contractor and Asher discussing various concerns about materials, payment, stock, delivery, fill or a myriad other details.
The unloading of the cement is an impressive display of grit and sweat. These guys are ripped and work steadily with the sweat pouring down. Once the day is launched on the site, its on to other details.
From there its back to the CES office to check emails and pick up a vehicle ans we're off to Yataya where a Sierra Leonian- Italian has done some amazing work for his home community, building a school, mosque, community centre, and now a clinic. All funded by friends and connections in Italy. He is from that village and is dedicating his life to make a difference there. The picture is of the communal meal we shared with good conversation and palm wine. Peter Konteh, JT Koroma our new headteacher and two news rporters from Freetown doing a story on his work there.
James Tamba Koroma (in blue) is the new headmaster of the school and I believe a real Godsend. Lots to say about him another time but I believe he will be a very good leader. He has a true teacher's heart and a dedication to the children of the north. He is originally from this community and is happy to be moving back here. I don't think he is that impressed with my cooking. The rice doesn't come out quite like they are used to eating it.

1 comment:

Nancy Anderson said...

Thanks so much for the details Dennis- and the photos. It's helpful to see Asher at work and hear of his days. My heart is full of excitement at hearing and seeing what the vision of a little Christian school in BC can accomplish! It gives me inspiration for my work here too knowing that we can make more of a difference than we think with the vision and anointing of the Lord. At the moment, we are counting the dead in Maputo as the largest obsolete munitions dump in the city (leftover from communist and civil war days) exploded for 4 hours on Thursday sending missiles flying all over. Our centre was hit multiple times, but miraculously with no injuries. We all wondered if we would live through it. It looks like there are potentially nearly 200 dead- official numbers only include those in hosptitals (100 right now). Anyway- this is too long. I will continue praying for the Lord to guide all the details of your trip. Love from Mozambique.