Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hold that thought...

As is prone to happen, I guess it was too good to be true that we would be able to dig straight down to the water in a week and have a working well in two. About ten feet down we have struck some impassable rock. This is unfortunate because work was moving fast in a location that fit perfectly with design and planning ideas. But that is one of the unknowns. So they are going to try and relocate the well to somewhere just beyond the tall grass in the picture below. The water is down there somewhere, but in this landscape one can never know quite where to start digging. Nevertheless with another try we hope to get there and things will still proceed relatively on time and as 'planned' as they ever can be.


dan brouwer said...

That's unfortunate - but I'm sure you'll find the right location for the pump as well as the water. Keeping you in our prayers here in Edmonton.

Tom Bomhof said...

Keep at it, Asher. It's down there somewhere. We're keeping you in our prayers here in Surrey, too.

Nancy Anderson said...

Greetings from a former FV teacher now working in Mozambique (I head back for another year in 2 weeks). It's exciting to hear of the developments there and to think of what this school will mean for so many. I'll add my prayers to the many others. . . Great work Asher!

beim said...

There is a parable there waiting to happen...I can just hear Jesus

"A bunch of people were digging a well..."

Alyson and Pete said...

Hey Asher!

Wow - your life is always so exciting! Thanks for making the blog - its great to keep up with what is going on out there. Sorry we missed you this Christmas - maybe when you come back??
Take care - you're in our prayers.

Alyson and Pete