Friday, June 1, 2007

I figure that you haven't seen enough pictures of myself in a while so here is me on the site contemplating how to direct the drainage around the building and the size of trench needed to direct that water to the far side of the site. Its sunny and rainy and my days are spent thinking about gathering timber, shipping it, ripping it, coating it in an incredibly harmful acid-gas mixture, putting it on the roof and securing it there. (apparently the best remedy for those applying the mixture is for them to drink goats milk afterwards, anyone have know why that might help??) The roof sheeting will be arriving from Freetown today and I am excited about what it will look like. Brick Red. I am off back to the site to see the reaction when Dr. Johanna Kuyvenhoven sees the site for the first time after years of dreaming this project into existence.


  1. What an amazing project. May you and all the people of northern SL be blessed by your hard work. Please print Dr. Jo's reaction to seeing this long time dream fulfilled. Dr. Jo is an awesome woman with an incredible Godly love and passion for the people of SL. She is so dedicated and unselfish - a blessing to so many. Greetings from Canada !! WG

  2. Dear Asher and Jo,

    I'm thinking about you right now as you wander around the school site. I must say it really does overwhelm me. God is good. So many people and so much hard work over many years, starting with Paul and Mary and others and now you there in Kabala today. I'm so thrilled with JT Koroma as the headmaster, a dedicated SMC, a great team of builders, your vision Jo and that "coincidental" conversation some five year ago, and Asher, your dedication and leadership these last five months. What to say but thank you and Soli Deo Gloria. Words are not enough!


  3. Asher, we went over 100 child sponsorships a few minutes ago. The BC Lions donated tickets to the project. Wendy Brouwer's grade 2 class is having a garage sale next week to raise $200 for sponsorsing a child. It is sweet. Praying that you may end well over the next few weeks.

  4. Dearest Asher, Tears come easily these days when I look at the postings and take in what you have been blessed to be a part of these past 6 months. Praying that you may finish up well.
    On my morning walks the words of 'your' Irish blessing go through my mind and I marvel that the sun that is coming up here is setting there....that God upholds us all and that He is Good.
    Love you MOM
