Saturday, June 2, 2007

A dream becoming reality

Yesterday afternoon I would say that I was privileged to see Dr. Johanna Kuyvenhoven see the primary school for the first time. After years of dreaming and scheming the school has finally become a reality in the last six months. Johanna was in Sierra Leone when the land was purchased a year ago, then again when my parents were here last july, and again for a workshop in December when JT Koroma was hired as the new headmaster. Each time the site was a little different, overgrown, then dry, then brushed and NOW!! I don't think that words can describe just being there to witness her seeing the buildings taking shaping. I am so proud to have been one part in this big project.


  1. Dear Asher and Jo,

    Would have loved to be there. Looking forward to seeing the red roof appear in the photos. Trying to imagine 140 children running around the campus, through the verandas, under the big mango tree, their voices echoing in the classrooms. Blessings on these wrapping up weeks.

  2. Hey Asher
    good to see the roof beams up. It must have been quite somthing for Jo. As far as the Korea v. Holland voetball game goes checkout my blog
