Monday, May 28, 2007

kampioen, kampioen, ole, ole, ole

so the AD Stars have one their own tournament! After much argument and discussion the teams came to a consensus on who should go to the final game. It was played yesterday. 2-1 for NTC going into the second half, but the AD stars stormed back with a goalmouth header and a lob from a goal kick to win the game 3-2. The game was called after a bit of a brawl broke out between our fans and one of the NTC players, angry for being down by one goal. I kept myself clear of most discussions and all fights, not wanting to go home with yet another scar from a fight this time.
I am in freetown, possibly for my last trip to gather materials before I leave. I am doing my best to see that things are left in capable hands and enough things are completed that there are no major design decisions yet to be made concerning the building.


  1. For some odd reason, I have followed the progress of the AD Stars with GREAT interest, feeling like it would be awesome if they (you) would win. Put an AD Stars jersey on e-bay, it will fetch thousands. Amazing that your work there is coming to an end, you have done an incredible job.

    Danny Nagtegaal

  2. danny, thanks for the interest. They played really well in the end and certainly deserved to win. I didn't play the final. I find that playing on dust like this, I am constantly worried that I will fall on my ass whereas on grass with real boots I have no problem. All that remains now is for you to sponsor the junior AD stars sometime in the future seeing as those kids will actually be going to the school. (I guess the AD for them can stand for Asher and Danny if you like)
    take care

  3. Hi Asher!

    Wow...your work is nearing the end! What amazing things you've done with the people there and what a journey you have taken there! You have been such a blessing to that community and the impact you have made with the children. Excited too that your team won their invitational tourney.
    As you near the end of your journey there...we pray for the final touches of the school to be completed, for weather to not slow down the process and for continued good health and strength for you. God has done such amazing works through you Asher! We all look forward to your return.


  4. The Junior AD Stars...I don't know if I'll be able to sponsor ALL of them, but I'll do my best. I need to go to Dog's Ear (do you know that's in Willowbrook Mall...they make t-shirts and stuff) and get a whole bunch of AD Stars jersey's made. It would be sweet. I'm honored that you would allow "AD" in AD Stars to stand for Asher and Danny, but because of the winning history associated with the first AD Stars, I wouldn't want to jinx it. Go Stars!


  5. ASHA ASHA!!! WOE! Some sweet pics there of the school! I'm just writing 'cause I know how much you love to get new "comments" on the blog. Nice work old friend. And nice work AD stars!

  6. Hup, Hup, AD ALL-STARS!!! I would love an AD All-Stars jersey! Can you maybe get the team to sign it. That is too sweet. Thinking of you this morning. We have 90 child sponsorships so far!


  7. 90 sponsorship!! wow. I can't believe it. It is exciting that the construction and the institution are slowly coming together as one reality.

  8. Asher, Sorry for not commenting sooner. I have been following the progress of the building, always with amazement at what you are doing and learning. We are sponsoring a student and I have enlisted a few others sponsorships from friends. Blessing as you finish up the deatails of this assingment and head back home. LuAnn Westerhuis
