Friday, May 25, 2007

In case you didn't already know how small a world it was!

This week there was another canadian visitor to Kabala doing an audit of CES for CRWRC. I had never met him before but the first thing he said to me was "I used to work for your grandfather, my first job!" So Les Visser grew up and still resides in Lethbridge, Alberta where my dad grew up. Johanna Kuyvenhoven, another integral person in making this school project happen also grew up in Lethbridge; her father was the minister of the CRC church in Lethbridge. It is strange to discover these family ties here in Kabala, all the way back to Emmanuel Christian School in Lethbridge, a school my Opa deGroot helped to start.
Les has been fortunate then to see the school see some key changes in the last two days with roofing starting on two of the classrooms. It the timber is there (which it is now but not enough for all) then by next week the Zinc pans will be going up. Today this proved extremely important for two reasons. This morning we had an absolute downpour at around 7 am. Then because the rain had cleared up the air so much the sun was absolutely scorching! So we need those wide verandas covered so that we can sit there in the shade and out of the rain.

1 comment:

  1. It is a small world Iona I am here with a guest who is originally from Kabala! She knows the area where the school is being built and knows some of the folk who are part of the CES crew! Dis is Craz! Asher, thanks for this warms my heart to see the progress and to see Mozzel, Mr. JT, and Abdul, and to remember the beautiful things of Kabala. Thanks and blessings
