Wednesday, May 9, 2007

the little things

I have been slowly working my way around the site trying to complete or inspire completion by starting work in different areas. By tomorrow the main stairs to the administrative area will be completed. Three fine staircases. One left to do still at the centre of the classroom block. Inspite of being ancy to get some of the roof framing started I am happy with how things are coming along. Everyday new people come by to the see the school, saying "tenki fo dee wok." They all think it should be a secondary school, because I guess the standard is that primary schools don't get funding, materials or much effort put into their buildings. So it is good to know we are starting in the right place, and this gives a great opportunity for improvement. (pictures aren't working right now so wait a day or two)

1 comment:

  1. I know I say the same thing every time - but! wow, it's so exciting to see the school building filling the landscape. I'm imagining Sept. when the rooms are full of children. This school will be a rare place, in which elementary ed. is understood as the critical foundation on which subsequent knowledge/understandings are grown. It's going to be radical! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Asher. AND - visionary FVCHS.
    Jo Kuyvenhoven
