Thursday, May 10, 2007


I don't have much to say today but that things continue, much as they have the past month. But I am continually surprised by the messages I get of people that I don't know who regularly check the blog to find out about the progress. Thank you so much for your interest in the school and for sharing that interest with friends, family, colleagues. I guess it keeps me responsible to everyone supporting the project as well. That was not my original intention with starting the blog but it is a good one.
One small story that made me laugh the last two days and somewhat affirmed my work here. Abdul, one of the workers on site is rediculously funny (Gino and hans can testify to this). After we were working on the stairs at the front of the admin building and I was measuring out and explaining why we were doing it and how we would do it and he says to me, "You na white man, but you get sense!"


  1. dear Asher, Gabe and I just came in from an evening walk. Imagined your African sky....the same sky...comforting,amazing!!
    Spring comes slowly to the big maple. It is one of the last to burst its leaves. The young shoots look like little green hut roofs.
    Always good to read about the growth in Kabala. Praying for safety and goodness in your days and nights. Mom

  2. Asher,
    We enjoy reading your blog and the progress made in Kabala. Praying for your continued safety.
    Love the Tolkamps
