Monday, May 7, 2007

The show must go on... fast

alright, so Mozel Pratt, the contractor and myself are more than a little worried. The rains have begun to come a little more regularly. half hour here and there. Today we are transporting all the block to the site so we can pack it together and put tarps over it to protect it for further construction in the next months and also in the next few years. John has begun his gables in the resource room. This building will also get the most complex roof inspite of its small size. The columns are more than half finished and the ringbeam on the rest of the buildings have begun. A devoted team of women continue to break stones for us for concreting. Almost all the slabs are complete, which will be followed by the stairs. These things continue as the timber is shared around for the other pouring of concrete that needs doing. The five crews on the site are rather selfish when it comes to material, so it is up to me to ensure that the boards etc are shared around and work continues everywhere simultaneously. "By God een power" there will be roofing material arriving later this week.
"Sa Jay" (Gino) and Lansana (Hans) will be missed by the guys on site (myself included). But I promise that "A dae beat all pekin" who call me lansana or gino from now until I leave. I never cease to get inquiries about whether they are back in canada yet and when they will return. At the bottom here is another resident of the site (a rather tiny one, but nonetheless lethal than the large scorpions) found hiding in the rocks that we were moving to conrete the remaining floor slabs for the verandas.


  1. Asher, thanks for the update on the school. It's weird not being there...
    Take care my friend

  2. Hello from Mozambique- Ayyyy! Don't like the look of the scorpion- we see them here but not too often! The worst I've had is a large, hairy tarantula climb over my computer screen while I was sitting outside at night! May God hold off the rains and allow you to do twice as much in half the time! Weird that your rainy season is approaching and ours is ending!
