Friday, April 13, 2007

Waiting for the rain

the last days have us seeing the most beautiful starry nights changed by lightning flashes and cloudy skies, followed by evening showers. Three Days of rain does not slow up the building. But it makes us realize that time is against us. Within a month the rainy season will begin here in Kabala. It is a little scary thinking what needs to be done by then, but I am confident we can make it happen. The walls are beginning to take shape, window and door openings forming as they pass sill height. It is a challenge for me to convince the crews that every window does not have to be centred on the wall. Two classrooms remain to be slabbed, but will be completed by tomorrow.
The biggest challenge here in Kabala is keeping the workers supplied with materials. The fact is Kabala has not seen a project as big as this go up as fast as this in the last ten to fifteen years. We are taxing the local economy for every bit of crush rock, ball stone, sand, mud blocks, and now with it being the driest time of the year... water as well. Most of my day is spent organizing to ship each of these five things to the site, providing any of the 10-15 transport trucks in town are in working order.
The three of us are doing our daily activities. Gino and Hans keeping busy at the site, and me sitting on my lazy ass. Not really, I am on my computer less and less and need to make time to get to the interweb connection here. but I am getting used to being in a very different role in organizing and making decisions concerning the building and the process. Gino and Hans are learning a lot about a very different type of construction and techniques than either of them are used to.


  1. Hey Asher,
    I'm Jo Kuyvenhoven's sister in Atlanta, GA. Today we are also waiting for rain. I've been watching and praying for you and the work you're doing daily. Me 'n Jo are working on getting school supplies to the teacher and children in SL. I beliieve the Lord will bless our efforts and soon the rooms will be filled with lovely, eager childern ready to learn. Please pray for our supporting efforts here.
    God bless, Margaret Hofland

  2. keep up the good work Asher, things are looking more like BC here now...its 17C and looks like it might rain.

  3. Gino
    We are all so proud of you!! Seeing you with those kids knowing your heart We love you.
    The Bosma's

  4. Asher,

    Just thought that I would take the opportunity to sound-in. Thanks for the updates and the amazing work that you guys are doing. Continued strength and wisdom to you all. Mark N.

  5. You guys are all great. Hopefully the Canucks can be that great tomorrow night. Game three starts at 12:30 a.m. Sierra Leone Standard Time.

  6. Hello Gino, how's going.I love your hempie, it looks so good on you.You guys are working very hard and the school is growing. Keep it up. God bless, love Oma.
