Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Put 'em to work!

Greetings to everyone from Hans and Gino who have arrived safely here in Kabala. The Easter weekend was fortunately slow on the job site so they had a chance to get to know Kabala. We motorbiked four miles east to Yataya to taste palm wine and celebrate easter monday. Today was the first day back to the site. The first latrine for the administrative building is being completed. The walls are up to window sill height on about half of the buildings. Gino and Hans have each joined in different crews, mixing mortar and laying mud blocks. Both have received Sierra Leonean names even before I have! Had Hans been born in Kabala, as a twin he would have been named Lansana, Hassan, or Farenke. So he has taken to the first name. Gino is also a big hit with the many kids on our street who call out "jinio," adding it to the "Ash, Dennis, Ash, Dennis, whitee man" monotony. It is the end of a long hot day. I think all of us are a little sunburnt and in need of a wash. I think by the end of the week Lansana and Jinio will be riding the bikes and finding their way around town on their own.
For those of you who couldn't comment before Hans has forced me to change my settings so that anyone can comment.


  1. So bizarre to be sitting here looking at pictures of Gino there. We love you guys! You are all doing great and important work.

  2. Sweet! Thanks for updating the blog with pics...we love to see you guys!!

  3. Beautiful picture Gino . Proud of you all. Keep it up. love you.

  4. yay, i can finally 'comment'
    it's so great to see hans...ahem, i mean lansana...in some of those pictures at last! asher and hans, keep working hard, and to echo 'oma's words, i am proud of you guys!!!

  5. Elly, do you realize that if you were born here you would be called Feremusu. I think from now on I will be refering to you by that name.

  6. Lansana and Asher but I think, mostly Asher, I would like to say that I have really been enjoying this blog. Also, to echo elly and oma's words, "I am proud of you guys!"

    -andrew kuipers

  7. Asher looks like things are progressing nicely out there. Good to see you got a couple of friends to join you. We're praying for you out here in Edmonton. Take care

    ps. Canucks are up 1-0 in their series with Dallas..duno if you care...but yeah.
