Monday, April 16, 2007

First Fruits

Although we have been seeing the fruits of our (and your) labour on the site, finally we can also see it in the garden in our backyard. Yesterday we ate our first tomatoes and radishes from the garden. We eat mangos, "pears" (avocado) and tomatoes everyday. It is now mango season and we never run short of a supply of them. The meal here is our african style bruschetta with all of the above ingredients, plus onions and garlic, all fresh from the local area. That plus some soup (and a nap) made it feel like a typical sunday afternoon at home.


  1. Dearest Asher, Dad told me about your green thumb and growing garden and it's good to see those fruits...many first fruits for you in Kabala. As the mangos ripen on the trees in SL we are enjoying the greening of the westcoast. The big maple has dropped all its blossoms and the leaves are about to burst out. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom as are the daffodils and tulips. Spinach and lettuce are up. Two new calves, Easter and Korea, are dancing through the field. A third is yet to be born. New Birth, New Life here and there.
    I'm imagining the blessings of your time with Hans and Gino and smile to think of it. Would love to be there. MOM

  2. Sweet Garden! Unbelievable how far you guys have gotten, just looking at this pictures. Soup and bread on a Sunday afternoon...even in Kabala, it doesn't get any more Dutch:)
    Big Canucks game tonight...

  3. Lovely garden you have. Enjoy it!
    Soup and bread in the afternoon. Life is good. Here all is fine. Rain and Sunshine.Strength for you all, and we go forward:Step by Step,Love oma

  4. Sweet pics of the garden. I'm sitting in front of the tube right now watching hockey! Can't believe the school and how things are going. Some day I will visit. I already picture you guys going back in a few years and seeing what a blessing your work has been. We miss you and pray for you guys. Michael, we lost at Kool Aid Cup on Sunday, but new record for oldest winner ever: Mr. Wazz

  5. Hi Asher!
    Me and the kids went to the mainland to visit your parents and to say good bye to Josh on Easter Monday and heard from them that you have become quite the gardener. We had a nice visit! From the looks of your photo...your garden is quite impressive. So glad that you are now enjoying the first fruits of your labor too. We are seeing buds on our apple tree and the kids can't wait to make more apple sauce from it and freeze it. I'm sure the kids will give you a taste from last year's bunch that we made when we see you in June. Til then...we all miss you very much and can't wait to see you soon! Ethan especially can't wait to see you b/c he still says he wants his hair to be like yours (long and curly). :) They also loved seeing Easter (the new baby calf) only a day old then. What a treat it was for them! They missed Korea by a few days though. Enjoy many more first fruits from your garden!

    Mary Joan

  6. Great to see the work that you are doing. Pray that God keeps blessing you and everyone involved there. Great night here, Flames tied series. Take care;
