Saturday, June 23, 2007

Under the red roof... and none too soon

so the roof is finished. And overall I am completely thrilled with how it has turned out. Apart from a few minor bumps it went smoothly. Nobody believed that such a small pile of sheeting could cover all those roofs. So I bet anyone who would take me up 5000 leones that there would be a balance left over. I think I was too confident and said make it a million so nobody took me up on it. But we have enough sheeting left now to roof the latrines which have only just been started. Our completion of the roof was just in time for my going away party. Rain came down hard in the afternoon, pouring off the roof as we all lounged on the spacious verandas. It was very moving for me to see the genuine appreciation for the work that I have done and the life I have lived in this community for the last six months. I think that the tears I cried could hardly express the sadness that I have at leaving this place and how important these people and this project are to me now.
The football match which preceded the program was a gruelling one. The rain had soaked the field and the play was a bit messy. Nil nil at the half. But early in the second half, the young AD stars went ahead on a controversial ball going in off a corner kick. The AD site poured on the pressure, myself getting a few headers and passing up a chance to shoot from close range only to see my teammate put it into the keeper's hands. "We done try, but ee no do" I was taken from the game to attend the party in my honour, but the site couldn't equalize. So it was a hard fought and messy game, but in the end the AD Stars prevailed on the lone goal 1-0. I can't really complain, it is my team! they now even have my initials on their chests. Most importantly I think that they also now own this field and the school and will continue to be involved in the upkeep and maintenence of the football pitch and other work that needs doing.
Today was a day spent organizing last minute contracts and jobs that are better done before I leave. Trying to tie up lose ends, with everyone trying to see me for one favour or another, giving gifts, expressing thanks. It is all a little to much to do in the next 48 hrs. I have not even begun to pack.


  1. The red roof looks amazing!!!! beautiful it must be to see all the progress in person!
    It does sound like that football field will be well-used and you definitely will never be forgotten...especially since it is your team and they have your initials on their chest. Funny!
    All our hearts are with you, Asher, as tears fall down your face! We can only imagine the love you have for that place and for the people that fill it. Everything must feel surreal right now for you. But we think of you now as the countdown continues and prayers for a safe departure and return home! Thank you for including us all in your journey there through your blog and through your eyes.
    God's speed Asher!

  2. Amazing amazing! the school is looking great! good job. I hope you are proud!

  3. 48 hours seems much too short. It is obvious you are leaving some of your heart in Africa.It will be so good to hear your stories in person! Traveling mercies, Asher.

  4. Asher, you have done an amazing job. AD Stars win...I never lost faith in that team. Go Stars!


  5. Great job Asher. Can't imagine how you feel. Awesome!

  6. The football match seems to be competitive, despite the messy play because of the rain. A 1-nil scoreline isn't bad, after all. Well, congrats on the new red roof! Good thing it was completed just in time for your party. The six months you spent here was surely for the better of the neighborhood. Cheers to that! :)
