Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

last week and lots of things to do. Here is a quick snapshot of the building yesterday afternoon. The guys had a well earned football match after the days work. Today the most difficult roof is going on right now. The corner classroom with 4 gables. Who thought that would work? Well I wasn't sure myself until we started it and now it looks pretty sweet from almost any angle you see it!


  1. I am working my way through a completely uninteresting Educational Research and Technology Course. I keep coming back to this to look at the pictures and read about the final days of your journey.


  2. Asher,
    The pictures look amazing. Best of luck as you go up against my beloved AD Stars. Sweet that you scored the tying goal late...a more powerful version of Arjen Roben.


  3. wow!

    it looks so great.

    look forward to seeing you soon.

  4. Hey Asher, as you get ready to leave we just wanted you to know that we have been following your journey through your blog and are amazed and inspired by the work you are doing there. We look forward to seeing you in person and talking more with you about your time in Sierra Leone. We will pray for a smooth completion and for you as you leave this place I am sure you have come to love.

  5. It looks absolutely fantastic! Wow, you've accomplished a lot with your SL crew - way to go! God is blessed!

  6. HI Asher! The school is comeing along well. I've been checking your blog every day. from Nathan

    Dear Asher: Wow! The school looks fantastic. What a great project you've been able to be a part of. We've enjoyed reading your blog and pray that you may finish well. Travelling mercies as you make your way back. The Struyks

  7. Asher...the progress is absolutely amazing and quickly things are changing. Your work there has been a God send and your crew has been a blessing. The work of the Lord has truly been represented there in Kabala!
    We pray for your hard-working team there as they finish the final stages and also prayer for you, as I am sure your emotions are strong and overwhelming after all that has been accomplished there. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  8. Dear Asher, on waking this morning our first thoughts were to you and your last nights and wakings in Kabala. Your heart will be full to bursting as you take it all in and drive out of town. We love you. MOM
