Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday, March 22

Today is the first day that we’ve all really felt adjusted to this new place. Maybe that’s because it’s a little bit cooler today, only 35 degrees! We are trying to be as African as possible. We aren’t really succeeding. Everywhere we go, we feel like we’re famous. All the kids at the school yell our names, and on the streets kids yell “white man!” Everyone says we’re all beautiful too. If you need an ego boost come to Africa!
                We’re learning new things every day.  We’ve learned a lot of Krio phrases like “how de body” and “small small.” Constantly we see differences between our cultures. Two of our team members visited one of the chiefs, and as a gift they got a live chicken. Their homestay father asked if they knew how to cook it, but they said no. They were very shocked. That chicken was breakfast for two days in a row.
                Yesterday we took individual pictures of all the students and teachers. It took a long time, but apparently we did it quicker than other teams in the past. Chalk one up for team #4! Today we took a school picture. First we had the Junior Secondary School, then the Primary School, and then a full school picture. There are a lot of students! Being here has us all feeling like our school is going to be making a lasting change in this town and this country


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  2. I wake up every morning wondering about your events for the day. So varied and so totally different than here. Right now we have the sun in common, not blazing hot sun, but sun. We were in Alberta last week where it was minus 23!! See if you can wrap your head around that in the hot African sun!!! Loving the updates. God's strength to all.

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