Sunday, October 28, 2007

Back to Africa

school continues at the CRC Primary Kabala.
I am excited that I will be returning to Kabala over the Christmas Break! My thesis work here at Dalhousie is concerned with developing or trying out a method for design and construction in development projects like this one in Sierra Leone. In addition to learning from the last 10 months working on this project I am hoping to design potential future construction on this school and elsewhere in Kabala as part of the program of the school. Athough it will be a theoretical endeavour, I hope that the design in the end is a useful tool to use in any future building with the CRC primary (or secondary??) school. So in addition to a very joyous reunion when I return to Kabala, I plan to survey potential building sites (including the current one) see how the school is working and being used, and observe more local construction techniques in Kabala and in the villages that might aid in reducing the use of concrete and steel in the buildings. It is incredible to still be working on project so close to my heart even half way around the world.
the pictures aren't loading that will have to wait

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