Tuesday, July 3, 2007

work without Mista Asha

I have spent the last week telling stories and sharing my experiences in Sierra Leone with family and friends. But while I sit and evaluate the experience of being in Africa and that of returning to North America the work goes on unabated. For the first time I think I am seeing the excitement of new pictures posted on the blog showing the next stage of construction. It is incredible to see where things have come in a week! Reverend John Phiri, the head of the CRC church in Sierra Leone, will continue to take pictures for me to keep all of us up to date on the construction.
Over the last week it has also been incredible to hear how many of you have actually been visiting this blog. I am blown away by this show of support. And so I also need to think about how this blog changes with my no longer being in Sierra Leone. Because as much as my stories may have filled much space on the blog, my own part in the story of this school has changed now. The stories may no longer be firsthand but the photos will continue and my own work on the project will continue from this end for several weeks yet, documenting, writing, drawing... there are still many things to be done. This blog is the story of this school and so it will continue to be that, all the way up to time when the doors open and the children fill the verandas and classrooms with laughter and learning.


  1. I'm sure you are missed Asha! But all of us seeing you last weekend shows how much we too have also missed you. We noticed something different about you...you radiate such blessing about you. You have been on a journey of a lifetime and your experiences have changed you in many different ways. We continue to share your journey with you as the doors will soon open and the place will be filled with happy children laughing, singing and learning.
    The work of the Lord continues...

  2. Now we talk about: 'our school' in Kabala! Thanks for finding a way to continue documenting the progress -- and for your passionate telling of the story. Changed lives on all sides!

  3. Asher, hope all is well. Best to your mom and dad and Gabe.
