Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rain in Surrey = Sun in Kabala

"Plenti Tenki" to the Grade 2 class from Surrey Christian Elementary school who raised enough money to sponsor over seven children through their garage sale this weekend. It was raining in Surrey and Kabala both this weekend. But the sun has come out to allow us some more dry days to complete the roofing. As the building comes to completion it is exciting to know that the support for the students once school begins is as strong as the support we have felt so far in the building of the school. We now have plenty blocks and other materials and tools stored up for future construction, and a wealth of knowledge on how to build in this region.


  1. The garage sale was such a sucess. Today, more $ came in. A student prayed for Kabala Christian School.....she called it
    'our' school. God reigned June 9, 2007!!!! Many blessings to'Mista Asha' and all in Kabala.

  2. Dear Asher,
    I'm sure your days are flying by quicker than even ours are. The big maple is now a closed canopy, shade from the sun if only it would come out. The changing tree has been a marker for the passing of your time in Sierra Leone. Today two crows made a major attack on a squirrel in the tree, no doubt protecting their nest.
    With you we too count down the days with a taste of the bitter, hard to leave but also the sweet, eager to have you come home!!
    Love you MOM
