Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 152

not that it is significant for any reason other than that I just looked at the calendar I made when I came here which counted down the days up and down to my departure. The rafter are ... nearly complete. I have been fighting the last days to get the crews to do more than one small job in a day. Some days are frustrating, but we come through them and the building continues. The Windows and Doors have been contracted to a welder near the school site. He does quality work and promises to have the job finished by the end of the month. By next weeked some of them should be arriving to the site for installation. I realize that much of what I speculate on this blog for finish dates for certain jobs is way off the true time it takes, but that is just the way construction goes here.
My motorbike has been fitted with the logo of the new CRC Primary School - Kabala. The bike still feels brand new! I will miss the freedom of riding a motorcycle when I leave. We have also begun clearing the school playing field and doing some levelling in preparation for the match this weekend between the AD Stars and the AD Site (the workers from the site). There is much talk. The young Stars think they will have no problem with the guys from the site. I get to choose which side I will play for, so I will be playing for the construction site; being older and also thinking that they may need my help. You never know how many will show up completely "chuck" from drinking too much poyo. Should be a fun game. I am trying to convince everyone that the losing team must level the ground for the school driveway. I think my bargaining skills have significantly improved since I have arrived!

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you're playing for the boys on the construction site...Hmmmm. It's going to be hard for to cheer against the beloved Stars, but I suppose if I must, I must.


    PS- AD Stars = Best soccer/"footy" team ever.
