Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fierce Creatures

almost every other day I am greeted in the morning by the night guards telling me "look snake!" This one is a viper.
Then there was the bat in the house (among many animals residing inside). Very helpful but very evil looking creatures.
And there are beautiful flowers coming out and I can hardly believe that the school site is slowly turning green as the grass begins to creep up. I would never have thought it would come out of such hard dry ground.
Rains coming! a little harder every time but now I know we will not be hurt too much by them.
small small the building is coming along. Each day new achievements and progress. All "By God Een Powa"


  1. Asher
    I bet it is pretty special to see the view changing, in the landscape and in the building. Nice to see the TKJ tee-shirt in the background. Take care my friend.

  2. hey Asher
    cool pictures. they say the rains are coming here soon too.
    drop a line sometime
