Thursday, April 26, 2007

the work goes on... small small

Things continue to progress, not in leaps and bounds but each stage coming slowly, moving from one crew to another. The crews are headed by: huge Francis is building a single classroom. Saidu the Joker is building the administration building. quiet john is building the corner resource room, Sema the carpenter is building two classrooms and the drainage trench, and Olu from Freetown is building the drainage trench and the last two classrooms. All of them are great guys to work with, love to joke around, have fun, and work hard. Man can these guys work! crazy strong. I was wrong about us dutch boys teaching them anything about working. It is the heat and sun that kills! Hans and Gino are working on their tans (Hans has a pretty sweet farmers tan from his tank top).
The lintels are nearly completed and the ringbeams will soon start. Once the main drainage trench is complete we will finish concreting the verandas and the stairs, finally bringing all the buildings together and making much of the work easier.


  1. Awesome pictures. You guys are doing so well!


  2. Praying for you all proud to see the amazing fruit of your labors, cant wait to hear all about it Michael (aka Gino)
    Love The Bosmas

  3. Michael, you should see my playoff beard. Good thing I started in January. We will win this series.

  4. Asher,

    your blog is at the bottom of my list of others, but honestly, it's my #1 to look at.
    keep up the good work blogger... and Sierra Leonean archtect??...!

  5. Huge goal by Cowan.
    1-1 in the series.

