Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Fish and Bread

I have been saying too often in the last few days, "I need to do that before I go." I am wrapping up my time in Kabala and I am already missing so many things about it. How do we take this more "creational" pace of life and bring it to North America? I think about sitting around on the verandas in the evening without electric light, listening to the soft voices and the giggles of children. I think about the hospitality, the time to meet and greet, a cold Star, and the eager faces of the children.
We had a meeting of the SMC yesterday and spent the time on Mission, Vision and Values, on enrollment policy and a name. It will be called the CRC Primary School - Kabala. I won't take the time here to explain why this is important in this context except to say that it has a long history in Africa and in SL particularly.
The photos are of Asher, Kumba and the children who came along with us, swimming in the river on Saturday. We could easily have stayed a couple more days; the pan of fish we caught in the river, a simple reminder to me of everyday miracles and the other kind, like the school, growing up out of the soil.

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