Thursday, January 25, 2007

For those of you eager to see what has been going on here, just sit tight, can't release all the info at once. Here is a sketch over the site plan of what we have been exploring for the layout of the school. It has developed and changed since this as well. I hope that most of you can understand the drawing! I am able to work both in the computer and also hand drawing, especially when sitting down with people here and discussing the design. I don't want to falsely present my ideas just with fancy renderings and computer drawings. Of course I can do all of that stuff too, but I will have to see how appropriate it will be for the situation and how much will be for myself to explore and understand the space and design of the school better. It is actually very unusual for me to just jump into a design so quickly and have the people here expecting ideas we talk about magically appearing in measured drawings instantly. So I am trying my hardest to slow down the design process and speed up the preparations for construction. There are many things to prepare in the next weeks. I have to learn to accept that many will take longer than I originally expect but that is the best way for this all to come to fruition. Anyhow, thats about all for a few days at least.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I finally found your blog back! haha! with everything going on.. the good and bad, i pray you stay up and encouraged, because this is an incredible thing you are doing. Keep up the good work!!